Support Zoroastrian Association of California (ZAC-LA) by donating to us. ZAC-LA is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization (EIN 95-3046709) dedicated to serve the religious and cultural needs of Zoroastrians residing in the Southern California. All contributions are tax deductible, and no goods or services will be provided in exchange for the contribution.
Donations can be made online by clicking the “Donate” button above or scan the QR code with your phone. This will take you to the website for payment processing (you can make a donation using a credit card or PayPal account).
To direct your donation to a specific use, please select a cause. You can also specify additional information in the “Add a note” field which appears on the Review page.
Your donations are completely secure and private. ZAC does not collect or keep any personal information, including credit card details. All donations are directed through a secure industry-standard SSL encryption layer via a secure payment gateway. You will receive an acknowledgment email with details of your donation. Please note that sometimes this email may be delivered to your Spam folder.
Donations made through credit cards may take up to 3-5 business days to complete.
For further questions, please contact us
In order to maximize the impact of the amount contributed by you, ZAC would prefer donations totaling more than USD 1,000 to be made by check.
All checks can be mailed to:
ZAC Treasurer
1424 E. Walnut Ave.
Orange, CA 92867
Our Helping Hands initiative is available now to offer assistance to our community in times of critical need. This help can take various forms, such as checking in on an individual, preparing and/or delivering food, helping with transportation, temporary accommodation, technical assistance, shopping, etc. If you need help simply reach out to one of us.
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