Zarthosht No Diso

Zarthost No Diso

It is a solemn festival to mark the day on which Prophet Zarathushtra passed away at the age of 77 years and 11 days. The meaning of the word Zarthosht no diso is “the (death) day of Zarthosht.” It is observed on the day Khorshed of the month Mah Dae of the Zoroastrian calendar.

Muktad Prayers

Muktad 5

Muktad is a joyous occasion for remembering and welcoming the Fravashis. It’s the time when we can show our love and gratitude to them, as they have helped us in many ways. We have to thank the Fravashis helping in Nature, as well as those helping individual souls of men – living as well as […]

Homaji Ni Baj

‘Govad Roj’ of ‘Dae Mahino’, is observed as the day of ‘Homaji ni Baj’, marking the death anniversary of the pious and saintly, Homa Jamshed Zaahiaa. Homaji is believed to be the patron saint of those who are timid, falsely accused, and those who are troubled in spite of being innocent. In the ‘Afringan’ prayers, […]