Ardibehesht Ameshāspand is the divine being who presides over fire. In Zoroastrian understanding, fire does not only mean physical fire but also all energies. So Ardibehesht Ameshāspand, on a physical plane presides also over different types of Energies – Physical, and spiritual (Khoreh). Ardibehesht Ameshāspand also presides over health, as the real source of health and healing is divine energy.
It is extremely important for Zarthostis to participate in this Parabh, as Ardibehesht Amesha Spenta is in charge of the creation of the Fire of Dadar Hormazd. The holy fire which is a manifestation of God’s essence in all living beings- energy. Hence, performing a Jashan dedicated to Ardibehesht AmeshaSpenta guides us toward the path of righteousness, and enhances the quality of truth, righteousness, and orderliness.
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