Meher Yazad Parabh


27 Feb 2025


11:00 am

Meher Yazad Parabh (Mehrangān)

It is the Jashan performed on roj Meher of mah Meher. It is a historic Jashan to commemorate the victory of Peshdadian king Faridun over the evil Zohak. This festival symbolizes the victory of good over evil. In the Iranian calendar, this day also marks the autumnal equinox.

You may participate in Jashan physically or over zoom.

If you are PARTICIPATING via Zoom, please follow the same laws of purity and maintain the sanctity as you would in person.

If you are attending in person please RSVP by February 24th to Zerkxis by text or WhatsApp 9495021474

Date: February 27th

Time:  11:00 AM

Cost:    Free

Venue: Atash Kadeh

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 754 677 5424

Passcode: prayers

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